This product comes as a relief when the application of even high quality products of different brands fails to protect the walls from algae and fungus. Usually when a long duration is passed, the walls tend to be deteriorated with algae or fungal germs. It badly affects the look as well as quality of the wall finish. The structure which was once of an architectural excellence becomes one of an imperfection.
Hence in such scenario Durotex anti-algae coating comes as a wonderful surprise. It was not easy to develop such an immaculate product and it took a lot of research and development to come up with such an application and the challenges were demolished.
Once a wall surface is finished with its beautification, this coat can be applied directly. This coating does not have any color of its own. It only performs one activity i.e. to protect the original color of the building and to prevent algae or fungus from developing on the wall finish.